
Creating bond topology

To create bond topology you first need a LAMMPS data file with the Masses and Atoms sections. The Masses section must have a comment after each atomic mass with the name of the element. This is generated automatically by atomsk. For example:


1   207.200000000 # Pb
2    14.006700000 # N
3    12.010700000 # C
4   126.904470000 # I

The Atoms section lists all atom coordinates. It can optionally have a column with the atomic charges.

First specify pairs of atoms to bond and the maximum distance for bonding. The following will create bonds between nitrogen and carbon atoms up to 1.5 Angstroms apart and between carbon atoms up to 1.52 Angstroms apart:

import pandas as pd

bond_pairs = pd.DataFrame(data = dict(element1 = ['N',  'C'],
                                      element2 = ['C',  'C'],
                                      cutoff   = [1.5, 1.52]))

To add bond, angle and dihedral information to the LAMMPS file:

import lammps_helper as lh
bonds =  lh.add_bond_data('lammps_data.lmp', bond_pairs)
angles, dihedrals = lh.add_angle_dihedral_data('lammps_data.lmp', bonds)

Keep in mind that the topology must be very simple. This code probably cannot handle cyclic molecules. If your structure has molecules with rings, I suggest you use moltemplate to generate the structure or lammps-interface to convert the structure from a .cif file.